[PoP] Brackish Vaults: Realm of the Triumvirate

default, classic


Дата Название Примечание Значение
06.11.18 [PoP] Brackish Vaults: Realm of the Triumvirate + Bastion 8
19.09.18 [PoP] Brackish Vaults: Realm of the Triumvirate + Plain of Innovation 8
10.09.18 [PoP] Brackish Vaults: Realm of the Triumvirate 8
04.09.18 [PoP] Brackish Vaults: Realm of the Triumvirate + Plain of Innovation 8
... записей найдено: 4


Дата Покупатель Название Рейд Группа предметов Стоимость
10.09.18 Horol Vaprous Band of the Depths [PoP] Brackish Vaults: Realm of the Triumvirate default 5
19.09.18 Архизверь Planar Prototype Compound Bow [PoP] Brackish Vaults: Realm of the Triumvirate default 5
19.09.18 Архизверь Ignasium Setting [PoP] Brackish Vaults: Realm of the Triumvirate default 230
10.09.18 Плям Firmament of Fire [PoP] Brackish Vaults: Realm of the Triumvirate default 10
10.09.18 Консуэло Condensed Wisdom of Planar Armor: Legs [PoP] Brackish Vaults: Realm of the Triumvirate default 10
04.09.18 Малка Condensed Wisdom of Planar Armor: Head [PoP] Brackish Vaults: Realm of the Triumvirate default 5
04.09.18 Малка Condensed Wisdom of Planar Armor: Hands [PoP] Brackish Vaults: Realm of the Triumvirate default 15
04.09.18 Бриззи Condensed Wisdom of Planar Armor: Forearms [PoP] Brackish Vaults: Realm of the Triumvirate default 5
19.09.18 Horol Condensed Wisdom of Planar Armor: Chest [PoP] Brackish Vaults: Realm of the Triumvirate default 15
... записей найдено: 9


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